Campus Life
Live like a Mountaineer
俱乐部和组织是App状态体验的重要组成部分. 探索你的激情,培养有价值的领导技能,建立终身的纽带和友谊.
Get inspired and get involved in campus activities -俱乐部和组织,兄弟会和姐妹会生活,学生项目等等.
Educational and entertaining concerts, comedy, movies and other campus events picked by students for students.
澳门赌场导航娱乐重视多样性,认为多样性是人类相似性和差异性的表现, 以及有利于知识的生活和学习环境的重要性, 尊重, acceptance, understanding and global awareness.
App State致力于为校园社区实现和维持包容性卓越. Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at App State.
App State Community的故事很有趣,而且是多方面的, 每个人都为这里丰富的卓越结构做出了贡献. So, who will you find at App State? Meet the community.
50+ multicultural and international clubs and organizations
18.3% 来自种族和民族代表性不足人群的学生
108% growth in underrepresented students (since 2014)
App State's faculty, 教职员工和学生都有很强的服务道德,并积极参与布恩周围的社区和世界各地. 服务使澳门赌场导航娱乐与其他机构区别开来,并引导澳门赌场导航娱乐所有人重视澳门赌场导航娱乐的生活, no matter our professions, can become more meaningful by serving others.
Serve, lead and learn. 的 Office of Community-Engaged Leadership engages App State students in academic, 在澳门赌场导航娱乐的本地和全球社区开展体验式和社区导向的项目.
无论是墨西哥湾沿岸的国内项目还是赤道以南的国际项目, Alternative Service Experiences 在你的课堂作业和世界社区之间建立更深层次的联系.
100+ local nonprofit organizations served each year
Nearly 2 million volunteer hours contributed to our community
App State拥有你需要的资源和支持,让你在学业上保持专注和正轨, financially and personally.
的 Student Learning Center 提供资源和支持,帮助学生更有效地学习-无论你是挣扎在课堂上还是只是需要一点额外的帮助.
辅导 & Support Services 对所有学生开放,而不仅仅是那些有困难的学生. Get support in a variety of settings – peer coaching, small group tutoring, one-on-one consultations, learning labs, 支持有执行功能挑战的学生等等.
对于那些在学业、社交或个人生活中挣扎的学生来说,早期干预是关键. 的 Office of Student Success 与校园内的学院和部门合作,提供外展服务,帮助学生充分利用他们作为登山运动员的时间.
的 University Writing Center is a free resource available to all students. 经验丰富的作家和细心的读者担任顾问,他们将与学生一对一地工作.
Career Development Center 帮助你找到实习和兼职工作的机会, resumé review, interview preparation, career coaching and more.
Academic Advising 是及时毕业的关键和学生成功的基础吗. 您指定的学术顾问将帮助您了解实现目标所需的要求.
IT Support Services 可以回答你所有与技术相关的问题(即使是那些你不知道你有). Whether you're bringing a computer from home, 买一台新电脑或者从贝尔克图书馆借一台笔记本电脑, we'll have you up and running in no time.
TRIO Student Support Services 通过学术发展为第一代和/或低收入学生提供服务, 建议, and social programs and activities.
在App State,学生可以选择一个生活和学习的社区. Whether you live on-campus, 校外, with roommates or on your own, there's lots to consider and discover.
On-campus housing puts you within walking distance of campus resources, including classes, faculty offices, dining, recreation facilities and the library.
What will your room look like? Check out photos of real rooms and view residence hall features and amenities.
Residential Learning Communities 提供独特的机会,与有相似兴趣的人一起生活和学习-从服务中选择, sustainability, language and culture, outdoor activities, 教育, health and more.
超过三分之二的App State学生住在布恩及其周边地区的校外. Off-Campus Student Services in partnership with the Student Legal Clinic, provides connections to housing resources, 包括一个租赁公司数据库和一个寻找室友和转租信息的在线公告.
20 residence halls
16 residential learning communities
Free laundry in on-campus residence halls
Do you eat two meals or five meals a day? Love to graze in between classes? Need a place to study and grab a late-night snack? 你会在澳门赌场导航娱乐的膳食计划中找到许多最适合你生活方式的选择, budget and schedule.
Dine in our 10 dining facilities, study or meet up in on-campus coffee shops, 小吃从澳门赌场导航娱乐的外卖选择和杂货店在澳门赌场导航娱乐的校园市场.
你的 膳食计划 can be used to purchase any food item on campus. 从当地的食物选择到流行的BFD(早餐到晚餐)和植物前进的盘子, to "worry free" ways to meet dietary restrictions, you’ll have an abundance of options.
27% 提供的食物(相当于100多万美元)中有一半来自当地
100+ tons of organic material composted yearly
40% 透过减量、循环再造及堆肥,从堆填区转移的大学废物
一个安全和健康的环境是你能够专注于教育的关键. App State提供全面的健康方法,并在澳门赌场导航娱乐的校园提供专门的资源,帮助您安全成功地度过App State的岁月.
Wellness and Prevention Services 通过促进健康行为为所有学生服务, risk behavior modification services, and advocacy for campuswide health policies.
的 Counseling and Psychological Services Center provides mental health support to students. 服务的重点是教育、预防、补救和危机管理.
Whether you're a student-athlete, a Mountaineer fan, an outdoor enthusiast, looking to play for fun, wanting to get or keep fit or any or all of the above, App State has plenty to offer.
What's your sport? University Recreation 有适合每个人的东西-游泳,俱乐部运动,户外活动,健身和校内运动.
Cheer on the 400+ student-athletes who compete in the 17 NCAA Division I varsity sports.
探索森林,在河流中划桨,攀爬岩石,探索户外活动. Outdoor Programs provides guided expeditions, a state-of-the-art indoor climbing center, rental gear for your own adventure and more.
80+ intramural sports
21 club sports
11 recreational and athletic facilities
Free tickets to all athletics events
充满活力的 arts and humanities programs 丰富校园和地区的文化和智力氛围,并提供创新的方式来了解世界. Join us for an event, performance, 展览或工作坊——你几乎每天都能找到, for nearly every age level and interest.
14 exhibition and performance venues on campus
600+ arts and humanities events annually
Free or reduced cost tickets to concerts and events
Here you'll learn about App State traditions, find live webcams to check out campus in real time, catch Dave by the Bell podcasts and grab some digital swag. Go ahead, explore!